Update stuff

So, my new Aorus X3 has just arrived, along with all the other recording/streaming equipment I bought, but I still need to pick it up at the post office. (I have all my sent to a PO Box, for convenience and to protect against theft.) Anyway, just have to pick all the stuff up. then I'll unbox and set everything up. Once that's done, I'll start writing some reviews for each product. (I might do video reviews, but I'm not sure. I don't really want to become a review Youtuber, I very much just like playing games. streaming, and doing some edited videos for Youtube.

Anyway, just wanted to put up an update as to what I'm doing. I haven't done any streaming this weekend mainly because of the Mindcrack Marathon. (I was having fun as a viewer, and I just didn't feel like streaming myself.

As for Youtube, well, Ragecraft has been a laggy mess for me, and the green wool areas are very dark and make for terrible content (and the lag only makes it worse). Besides, I lost all my stuff to the void, so now I'm rebuilding armor and everything else. I'll take on the red wool area Soon™ and a video out by Wednesday (I hope). I should be finished with the map by the end of the end of the week (I hope, again). Then I'll start Ragecraft III next week and hopefully also start doing some survival stuff as well. My hope is to have at least 3-4 videos out a day, I should be at the very least make 2.

So, on the plan this week:
1) Get products from the post office
2) Set them up
3) Review them (on here)
4) Finish Ragecraft II
5) Start Ragecraft III and survival series


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