I'm still here! [Update: 2016 March 10]

Yes, I'm still here. I have not abandoned my website. I've been focusing on streaming more recently, and I've really had nothing good to talk about here. So, I just want to give a quick update to let everyone know that I'll still update and post more stuff here. On Twitch, I now have a concurrent average of 5-ish viewers, sometimes more, so I'm definitely growing a bit, still really small, though. A couple weeks ago, I was hosted/raided and got 15 new followers from it, and my view count shot up to 22, which was really impressive, so that was a great experience. I'm hoping by the end of the year, I'll be able to get an average of 50-100 viewers, I think that's doable, but getting people to actually watch is completely out of my control, I can only try my best to put on the best show I can. I also have a new GameWisp account where 75% goes to ExtraLife, which I think is fine, as I'm still very small, I doubt I'd be able to make enough on that to be able to stream on a full time basis. (I would need to make ~$1200 / month, so if I get $100, it's not really gonna help that much anyway. -and the $25 that I would get from that would be enough for whatever expenses I have from streaming now. And that's why I'm giving 75% to charity, though, I might change the charity on a month to month basis.)

Anyway, just a quick update, and I switched tabs half way through this and now have no clue what else to add.
As always, be sure to Follow on Twitch, Subscribe on Youtube, and if you want, go support charity, with a little money going to me as well on GameWisp.


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